2010 has got off to a very busy start for us at Hargate Hall. Normally January and February are relatively quiet for us. It is a time that we can catch up on maintenance, plan what we are going to do in the year ahead. Maybe, if we are lucky, we can even take a short holiday for ourselves. This year however has been different. For January and the first half of February we were virtually fully booked every weekend and midweek. Therefore we have had to juggle work around when people went out for the day. Still we have made good progress with more redecorating, a new bathroom and starting on the communal kitchen/ dining room.
We have also taken delivery of 2 wood pellet and 1 wood burning stoves. The wood pellet ones are for in the communal dining area and in the main hall. The wood burning one is more of a utility stove and will be in an outbuilding. This certainly should help with hot water and central heating. The one in the main hall will probably make the most difference as the heat output will be about 6 times that of the open fire that it will replace.
This blog is replacing our original blog as google have decided to stop supporting the FTP blog system that we used to use.